

C4 Concluding Workshop

The C4 Concluding Workshop took place on July 15th, 2022 from 2 pm to 6 pm in the Ubimedical auditorium. It was an in-person seminar for the C4 results analysis, we disclose our activities, the developed work and outline any future work directions (see the proposed program). All professors and researchers involved in the project will be present in this workshop, along with representatives of companies, the rector of the University of Beira Interior and the executive vowel of CCDR-C. Have a look at the event flyer here.

2nd Annual Workshop

The second annual workshop took place on December 3rd, 2020. The format of the event followed that of a virtual poster session in which participants could freely circulate among the virtual rooms for each C4 Work Package and hear about our activities (have a look at the program page). The Workshop flyer are available here.

1st Annual Workshop

The first annual workshop took place on December 6th, 2019. For the occasion of the celebration of one year of operation, we organised a Workshop to present the ideas behind each Work Package. Besides greatly appreciated guests such as representatives from companies and also from Covilhã City Hall, we were also fortunate to host a representative from the funding agency, the rector of UBI and the Minister of Territorial Cohesion (have a look at the program page). Have a look at the event flyer here.

Last Update | Jul 26, 2023 (12:08 PM)