

The work carried out in this WP involves R&D activities in the field of health sciences in close collaboration with CICS-UBI, including multi-disciplinary projects with topics such as: analysis of biological, clinical and epidemiological data for the identification of disease biomarkers; identification of genomic risk variants in case-control genetic epidemiology studies; computational analysis of genomic variants to assess their potential functional impact; virtual drug screening and drug-molecule interaction modelling; and other computational biology applications.

Team & Collaborators


Journal articles

(***) Articles published in a top 10% most cited journal of the respective field.

Posters in conferences

  • Gomes D., Passarinha L., Sousa. A.. (2021). Screening de potenciais inibidores da proteína E6 do HPV para tratamento do cancro do colo do útero. 3º Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Oncologia. (virtual conference)
  • Gomes D., Silvestre S., Duarte A., Soares C., Passarinha L., Sousa A.. (2021). Screening of E6 potential inhibitors in cervical cancer. 34th International Papillomavirus Conference. (virtual conference)
  • Gomes D., Passarinha L., Sousa. A.. (2021). In silico and in vitro studies to discover potential E6 inhibitors for cervical cancer. Workshop on Structural Biophysics (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Bordeaux, France.

Oral communications

  • Gomes D., Yaduvanshi S., Silvestre S., Duarte A., Santos A., Soares C., Kumar V., Passarinha L., Sousa A.. Compostos naturais como potenciais inibidores da proteína E6: restabelecem a função da p53 induzindo a apoptose em células do cancro do colo do útero. 4º Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Oncologia, Porto, Portugal, 2022.

Book chapters


  • Carvalho J., Lopes-Nunes J., Figueiredo J., Santos T., Miranda A., Riscado M., Sousa F., Duarte A., Socorro S., Tomaz C., Felgueiras M., Teixeira R., Faria C., Cruz C. (2022). Método de deteção molecular do ácido ribonucleico do coronavírus da síndrome respiratória aguda grave 2. Portuguese Patent, n. 117276. (submitted)

Last Update | Jun 28, 2023 (9:22 AM)