Fault Tolerance in Cloud and Internet of Things Ecosystems
The work carried out in this WP is about fault tolerance in Cloud and Internet of Things ecosystems. The goal of the project is to explore fault tolerant mechanisms for cloud-based mobile applications. The work plan includes the prototyping of a set of tools for fault tolerance that may be added as a service configurable according to application specificities.
Team & Collaborators
- Paula Prata | WP leader
- Mário Freire
- Pedro Inácio
- Paulo Fazendeiro
- Maria Eugénia Ferrão
- João Bioco | Research fellow, C4-UBI (01/2020-08/2022)
- Euclides Catumbela | MSc student, UBI
- José Ferreira | MSc student, UBI
- Romulo Flaurindo | MSc student, UBI
Journal articles
- Ferrão M., Prata P., Fazendeiro P.. (2022). Utility-driven assessment of anonymized data via clustering. Sci Data 9, 456.
- Bioco J., Cánovas F., Prata P., Fazendeiro P.. (2021). SDSim: A generalized user friendly web ABM system to simulate spatiotemporal distribution of species under environmental scenarios. Environmental Modelling & Software, 147, 105234.(***)
- Bioco J., Prata P., Cánovas F., Fazendeiro P.. (2021). Remarks on the behavior of an agent-based model of spatial distribution of species. Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), 5(2), 37.
- Ferrão M., Prata P., Alves M.. (2020). Multiple imputation in big identifiable data for educational research: An example from the Brazilian education assessment system. Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ., 28, 108.
(***) Article published in a top 10% most cited journal of the respective field.
Conference articles
- Bioco J., Prata P., Cánovas F., Fazendeiro, P.. (2022). Prediction of the Arbutus unedo colonization time via an agent-based distribution model. 5th International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing (iCETiC’22), Chester, United Kingdom.
- Prata P., Catumbela E.. (2019). Mobile Cloud Computing – Building High Availability Applications. Proceedings of ICEUBI 2019, International Congress on Engineering UBI, vol2, 407.
- Silva L., Mello G., Silva B., Gonzalez G., Santana J., Prata P., Leithardt V.. (2019). Multi-device Notifications: a comparison between MQTT and CoAP. UBICOMM 2019 : The Thirteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp 9-13.
Oral communications
- Catumbela E., Prata P.. Estratégias de Tolerância a Falhas em Computação Móvel na Nuvem. Conferência de Ciências da Computação Tendências e Paradigmas (3CTP’2019). Maio 2019. Lubango, Angola.
Book chapters
- Bioco J., Prata P., Canovas F., Fazendeiro P.. (2022). On the Modelling of Species Distribution: Logistic Regression Versus Density Probability Function. Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. SAI 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 507. Springer, Cham.
- Bioco J., Prata P., Cánovas F., Fazendeiro P.. (2021). Synchronization Overlap Trade-Off for a Model of Spatial Distribution of Species. In Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12950. Springer, Cham.
- Sales D., Prata P., Fazendeiro P.. (2021). Smart Helmet: An Experimental Helmet Security Add-On. In Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 284. Springer, Cham.
- Bioco J., Fazendeiro P., Cánovas F., Prata P.. (2020). Parameterization of an Agent-Based Model of Spatial Distribution of Species. In Miraz M.H., Excell P.S., Ware A., Soomro S., Ali M. (eds) Emerging Technologies in Computing. iCETiC 2020. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 332. Springer, Cham.
- Lopes V., Fazendeiro P.. (2021). A Hybrid Method for Training Convolutional Neural Networks. In Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 285. Springer, Cham.
MSc thesis
- Tolerância a Falhas em Infraestrutura de Cloud, Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, José Danilson dos Reis Ferreira, Orientador: Paula Prata, 12 de Novembro de 2019.
- Tolerância a Falhas em Computação Móvel na Cloud, Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, Euclides João Mujanga Catumbela, Orientador: Paula Prata, 24 de Julho de 2019.
- SDSim Agent – based spatial distribution of biological species simulator: https://sdsim.it.ubi.pt/