Passing Cloud
The work carried out in this WP targets the research and development of algorithms and applications for the implementation of a framework to identify, predict, monitor and warn on constraints and risks for road traffic.
Team & Collaborators
- Nuno M. Garcia | WP leader
- Nuno Pombo
- Ivan Pires | PostDoc, C4-UBI (02/2019-09/2019)
- Abdelatif Hadir | PostDoc, C4-UBI (01/2021-02/2022)
- Yoann Resende | MSc student, UBI
Journal article
- Pires I., Garcia N., Zdravevski E., Lameski P.. (2022). Daily motionless activities: A dataset with accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, environment, and GPS data. Scientific Data 9 (1), 1-11.
- Sodhro A., Pirbhulal S., Sodhro G., Muzammal M., Zongwei L., Gurtov A., Macêdo A., Wang L., Garcia N., Albuquerque V.. (2021). Towards 5G-enabled self adaptive green and reliable communication in intelligent transportation system. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 5223-5231.
- Hadir A., Regragui Y., Garcia N.. (2021). Accurate Range-Free Localization Algorithms Based on PSO for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 9, 149906.
- Hussain F., Abbas S., Pires I., Tanveer S., Fayyaz U., Garcia N., Shah G., Shahzad F.. (2021). A Two-Fold Machine Learning Approach to Prevent and Detect IoT Botnet Attacks. IEEE Access, 9, 163412.
- Pires M., Garcia N.. (2020). Identification of Warning Situations in Road Using Cloud Computing Technologies and Sensors Available in Mobile Devices: A Systematic Review. Electronics9 (3), 416.
(***) Article published in a top 10% most cited journal of the respective field.
MSc thesis
Yoann Resende, MSc student in Computer Science and Engineering, UBI, dissertation title, Road Event Mapping Method for Mobile Devices with Cloud Computing based Technologies, co-supervised by Dr. Susanna Spinsante, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, June 2020.