Cloud Based Image/Video Coding: Improving efficiency and QoE
The work carried out in this WP includes scientific and technological research tasks carried out in order to design and implement a cloud-based holographic and plenotic coding method, which allows a good performance of the encoder in relation to encoding time, throughput and QoE.
Team & Collaborators
- António Pinheiro | WP leader
- Manuela Pereira | Former WP leader
- Elsa Fonseca
- Paulo Fiadeiro
- Mohammad Tausif | PostDoc, C4-UBI (10/2020-02/2022)
- Jorge Rafael Rodrigues | Research fellow, C4-UBI (08/2021-08/2022)
Journal articles
- Amirpour H., Pinheiro A., Fonseca E., Ghanbari M., Pereira M.. (2022). Quality evaluation of holographic images coded with standard codecs. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 24, pp. 3256-3264. (***)
- Amirpour H., Pinheiro A., Pereira M., Lopes F., Ghanbari M.. (2022). Efficient Light Field Image Compression with Enhanced Random Access. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 18, 2, Article 44 (May 2022), 18 pages.
- Schelkens P., Ahar A., Gilles A., Muhamad R., Naughton T., Perra C., Pinheiro A., St?pie? P., Kujawi?ska M.. (2022). Compression strategies for digital holograms in biomedical and multimedia applications. Light: Advanced Manufacturing 3, 40.
- Prazeres J., Pereira M., Pinheiro A.. (2022). Quality analysis of point cloud coding solutions. In Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: 3D Imaging and Applications, pp 225-1-225-6.
- Bernardo M., Fonseca E., Pinheiro A., Fiadeiro P., Pereira M.. (2021). Efficient coding of experimental holograms using speckle denoising. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 96, 116306.
(***) Article published in a top 10% most cited journal of the respective field.
Conference articles
- Pinheiro A., Prazeres J., Gilles A., Birnbaum T., Muhamad R., Schelkens P.. (2022). Definition of common test conditions for the new JPEG pleno holography standard. Proc. SPIE 12138, Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications VII, 121380N.
- Pinheiro A., Prazeres J., Gilles A., Birnbaum T., Muhamad R., Schelkens P.. (2022). Quality evaluation of the JPEG Pleno Holography Call for Proposals response. The 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience, QoMEX.
- Prazeres J., Pereira M., Pinheiro A.. (2022). Subjective Quality Evaluation of Point Clouds with 3D Stereoscopic Visualization. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP.
- Rodrigues R., Quijano-Roy S., Carlier R., Pinheiro A.. (2022). Severity Classification in Cases of Collagen Vi-related Myopathy with Convolutional neural Networks and Handcrafted Texture Features. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP.
- Prazeres J., Rodrigues R., Pereira M., Pinheiro A.. (2022). Quality Evaluation of Machine Learning-based Point Cloud Coding Solutions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Point Cloud Compression, Processing and Analysis, (APCCPA ’22), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 57–65.
- Guerra R., Fonseca E., Pinheiro A., Pereira M.. (2022). Holography challenges on coding and quality assessment. 2022 10th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, (EUVIP), pp. 1-6.
- Prazeres J., Rodrigues R., Pereira M., Pinheiro A.. (2022). On the stability of point cloud machine learning based coding. 2022 10th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, (EUVIP), pp. 1-6.
- Amirpour H., Pinheiro A., Pereira M., Ghanbari M. (2021). Performance comparison of video encoders in light field image compression. In IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2021.
- Amirpour H., Pinheiro A., Fonseca E., Ghanbari M., Pereira M.. (2020). Quality Evaluation Of Digital Holographic Data Encoded On The Object Plane Using State Of The Art Codecs. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 3453-3457.
Oral communications
- Amirpour H., Pinheiro A., Fonseca E., Ghanbari M., Pereira M.. (2019). Perceptual evaluation of state-of-the-art codecs applied to digital holographic data. 84th JPEG meeting, JPEG Pleno Holography, JPEG Pleno 2019.
- Pereira M., Fonseca E., Fiadeiro P., Bernardo M., Amirpour H., Pinheiro A.. (2019). Quality Assessment. JPEG Pleno Holography Workshop’19 March, Geneva, Switzerland.